Inside the TWA Hotel at JFK Airport


In May 2019, Randy, Jonathan, and I had the opportunity to check out the TWA Hotel at JFK airport while visiting New York City. The hotel had just opened a few days before we had visited, so there was still some construction going on. We did not stay at the hotel, but we were able to check out the lobby and other common areas. With much of the hotel having original features from the old TWA terminal, the hotel is a de-facto museum as well.

Table of Contents


    President Office

    Inside of the current Terminal 5 is a replica of the office of former TWA president Jack Frye. The office has many memorabilia from the TWA era, and is set up how it was in the 1930s and 1940s. The office is a sort of introduction between Terminal 5 and the recognizable red-carpet tunnels to the actual TWA hotel.

    Former TWA president Jack Frye’s office

    Former TWA president Jack Frye’s office

    Red Carpet Tunnels

    As mentioned, there are two tunnels between the current Terminal 5 and the TWA hotel. These tunnels used to connect the old Terminal 5 to the two flight wings, where the planes would connect to the gates. The tunnels have red carpets, and make for a great photograph!

    Red carpet tunnels

    Red carpet tunnels

    TWA Flight Center

    The TWA Flight Center is where the current TWA Hotel is located, and was the main terminal for TWA many years ago.

    View of the TWA Flight Center from the current Terminal 5

    View of the TWA Flight Center from the current Terminal 5

    Inside the TWA Flight Center

    Inside the TWA Flight Center

    Plane Lounge

    Just outside of the TWA Hotel is a Lockheed Constellation airplane that was flown by TWA, known as Connie. This particular airplane was retired by TWA in 1962, and changed hands a few times (including being sold for only $150!). The plane was eventually refurbished and brought back to the TWA Flight Center. The plane now is the home of a cocktail lounge, although at the time we were there it was still undergoing some final touches.

    Connie Cocktail Lounge, still undergoing some final touches

    Connie Cocktail Lounge, still undergoing some final touches

    More TWA Memorabilia

    The interior of TWA Flight Center today looks much like it did years ago when it acted as a terminal; the only main difference is now there is a check in desk for the TWA Hotel. Throughout the lobby and hallways, there are plenty of other retro TWA memorabilia, such as the original arrivals and departures signs and the travel posters shown below.

    TWA Travel Posters

    TWA Travel Posters

    The TWA Hotel is a blast from the past, with the TWA Flight Center looking like it did in the 1960’s. While we only had the opportunity to walk through the lobby, airplane, and old office, it was still an awesome experience!


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